
My favorite birthday place!

Saturday, August 23, 2008

Vacation woes

My hubby loves a good deal and so last August when we were offered one for a short stay in Avon (close to Vail) Colorado, he snapped it up. We also booked a week in our favorite Colorado town of Steamboat. Three days before out trip began M. came down with a bad infection and we had to cancel the first portion of the trip. Thankfully, he was feeling well enough to attempt our Steamboat vacation.

I wanted to drive our ten year old car but M decided that this was a good time to drive the vet. With great misgivings on my part, we headed out of Austin early on the morning of Aug. 21. The trip was going smoothly until we were just out of Lubbock and the car started shaking violently. We made it to a Chevy dealer in Lubbock to discover that our "run flat" tire had a hole blown out of it. Thankfully, the dealership was able to get a tire for us but it took 5 hours before we were able to leave. Not the most fun 5 hours I've ever spent. If I could have only had something to read other than the 3 year old magazines at the service center, the wait wouldn't have been as bad but my books were packed under everything else in the trunk (and the corvette trunk was completely filled). However, I am very thankful that we got a good deal on the tire and nothing else was wrong with the car.

My woes continued the next morning! I was trying to read the freeway roadsigns for our exit and didn't see the dead animal in the middle of the road. I was on it before I had a chance to react. Let me tell you that centering a large dead animal isn't the best for any car but in a low riding corvette, it is horrible. While I was shaking and mutttering "Oh no, oh no," I missed my exit. We did make it to Steamboat but have damaged the small air deflector under the car.

What an unforgettable beginning to a vacation.

Thursday, July 31, 2008

Joint Noise Vs Cool Cars

I've been taking my hubby to the chiropractor every three days for the past two weeks. Thankfully he is getting better cause it's a strain to help leverage that 6'5" body into and out of chairs, bed, cars, etc. I've told him he needs to try to minimize his moans and groans because it's certainly not too cool to get out of his corvette with all that moaning along with joints popping. Should you even own a corvette when getting out is such a issue?

We once stopped at a little gas station/convenience store/fast food place and one of the older workers wondered if The Hub would mind if they came out and watched him get in the car. We now have sound effects to go with it.

Monday, July 14, 2008

Where are the boomers?

Recently I've been reading lots of blogs and there are so many funny and inspirational blogs out there in cyberland. Even though I'm really enjoying those that I've bookmarked, I seem to be feeling older and older each day as I realize that most of my invisible friends are soooo young! Where are the boomer bloggers? Guess I need to do some searching to find some bloggers that are my age so that I can have a well rounded group of invisible friends.

Monday, April 14, 2008

more birthdays

What a year this has been. We've traveled from coast to coast to celebrate the 60s...One friend in Maryland and the other in Seattle who have both turned 60 and down to Louisiana for a brother's 60th. Our latest birthday celebration was for a mother (70) and daughter (40) in Houston. We are fortunate to have friends and family to celebrate time moving forward.

Age has changed it seems. My twenty something nieces and nephews seem more like teens and my sixty year old friends seem more like forty year olds. Perhaps this is the way my grandparents felt as they aged. My grandmother used to say that when she looked in the mirror she wondered who that old lady was as she didn't feel the way she looked. But even looks seem to be changing. I can no longer tell age as easily as I could in the past.

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Always A Child

"How great is the love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called children of God. And that is what we are." 1 John 3:1 NIV

What an awesome God we have....he wants us as His children not just as his created entity. No matter what my age I am always a child...a child of the Most High God. I hope that I will live my life to bring honor to my heavenly Father.

Monday, March 17, 2008

Time Flies

Today is the first day of my blogging adventure. Even though over half of my life has been lived, there is still much to come. I decided that one way to focus on the good things that God will bring to my life during these later days is to begin this blog. You are only as old as you feel? If this is true, then I feel quite young today.